Lifeworx is a family owned and operated
Lifeworks is a private fitness facility where we have built a community of people who strive to inspire and support one another in the constant pursuit of a longer, healthier, happier life. We know our members – their names, strengths, weaknesses, families – and they know ours. At Lifeworx, our staff, our members and each new-comer co-exist in a friendly, supportive and warm atmosphere; you’ll always feel at-home and part of the family!
Mary Burks, our owner, opened Lifeworx in July of 2010. She was on a mission to create a gym where people of all levels felt welcome and adequately challenged. After more than 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, Mary was introduced to the discipline of CrossFit and she proudly opened Lifeworx as a CrossFit affiliate. Though we are no longer associated with CrossFit, we believe in the roots of its methodology. Lifeworx Fitness offers our clients private training, partner or small group training and group Functional Fitness classes. Our Functional Fitness classes are appropriate for all levels and they are all taught by some of the most decorated coaches in the Bay Area.
Given the current state of our nation, we are open in some new and innovative ways for our members. Please explore the Membership tab for details.
Now, come in and take one of our Free Trial Classes today! We think you’ll like the new YOU.
~ The Lifeworx Family
Meet Sisyphus
Greek mythology tells the tale of Sisyphus, the former king of Corinth, who was punished by Hades for attempting to cheat death. The punishment Sisyphus endured was to be forever plagued with the task of pushing a massive stone up a hill every day, only to watch the stone roll down the hill every night and begin his work again in the morning.
When we originally designed our logo, it was important to us to portray our respect for the process of achieving and maintaining physical fitness. We wanted our logo to honor that process, to acknowledge that we must make the choice every day to care for our bodies. And, most importantly, we wanted the image to communicate our passion for this process – because, let’s be honest, we LOVE hard work and excellent results!
Famous existentialist Albert Camus said that we must imagine Sisyphus happy – he has embraced his task. We firmly believe that we have been tasked with becoming the best possible versions of ourselves and we accept this task completely. We hope that every time you see our logo you are reminded that the pursuit of physical fitness is a task that we are met with on a daily basis – and that we do so with an open mind and a grateful soul!